[ubuntu-studio-devel] Presentation, Set Hallstrom

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Tue Apr 28 13:26:49 UTC 2015

On Tue, 28 Apr 2015, Set Hallstrom wrote:

> My name is Set. I am a 35 years young half-swede half-swiss happy human.
> I speak French, Swedish, Spanish, German and English fluently but
> unfortunately i spell non of them very good. My main fields of action
> are music and graphics, having a master in graphic design from ECAV in
> Switzerland. I have been involved in quite a few PR, A&R and HR
> assignments, such as for night clubs in Barcelona, and RMLL (aka LSM
> Libre Software Meetings). I also have a good deal of experience as
> conflict solver and technical supporter.
> I'm interested in helping out and being a part of the dev crew.
> Here is my CV:
> http://set.hallstrom.ch
> If you think i could fit among you, let me know what the next step is.

I think you would be helpful to us. One of the problems we have is that we 
tend to be Audio heavy in our knowledge. We have 5 work flows for artistic 
work and the audio is the best developed/understood. Someone who does 
graphic arts and can look at our graphics work flow (photography and video 
too) and tell us what is missing, what is just not really useful, what 
system settings would be best, would be very helpful.

To be honest, we have done almost nothing the past cycle. This cycle we 
want do most of the things we want to see in the LTS so that next cycle 
can be used for polishing things.

Some of the things we want to do:

- include an application that helps the user get audio setup right.
 	-makes sure they have RT priv
 	-finds audio interfaces and lets the user set the right one
 	-allows running jackdbus as the desktop audio backend
 	-allows changing jack parameters

- allow DE choice at install time. We already allow workflow application
 	choice at install time, but are using xfce as the DE (it will
 	remain the default)

- (re)create an application installer specific to Studio (mine does not
 	work so well) based on the code in the ISO installer so someone
 	can install Studio (or parts of it) on top of the install they
 	have and still have working audio, etc.

- adjust our thinking to dealing with a DE that is effectively menuless
 	and find a way in a menuless DE to still have enough order in
 	application layout that things are still easy to find.
 	- working to include good descriptions in *.desktop files so that
 		searches for application types works well.
 	- possibly create an indicator/systray applet that shows
 		applications by workflow
 	- keep our menu stub up to date for those DEs with a menu.

- we do need new graphics for background etc.

- lots more... take the ISO out for a spin and make suggestions :)

This is just off the top of my head. I am sure Zequence will have more and 
better descriptions.

Len Ovens

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