[ubuntu-studio-devel] What should be included by default in Trusty?

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 18:55:47 UTC 2014

On Thu, Feb 13, 2014 at 1:39 PM, Ralf Mardorf <ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net>wrote:

> There are third party Debian repositories for LinuxSampler and likely
> for Cinelerra too. Please Kaj, take a look at licenses and Debian's
> policy before you recommend that people should package some software for
> the official Debian repositories. LinuxSampler and Cinelerra can't be
> part of the Debian repositories.

its not a recommendation, Ralph, but a prerequisite. assuming issues
*could* be resolved to get the package into debian, it could be included.
if that doesnt happen, it wont happen in ubuntu. its not an indicator of
what *should* happen.. or a command to the debian maintainers in any way..

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mikeholstein.info <http://www.mikeholstein.info/>
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