[ubuntu-studio-devel] our installer in 13.10

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Wed Sep 11 05:14:30 UTC 2013

I downloaded Both the 32 and 64 bit ISOs and the correct installer does 
show up from "Extra Audio Production Applications" But ... it does take a 
much longer time on the life session. Two and a half minutes on my system. 
There are a few reasons for this, one is duplicate files and another is 
the amount of uncompressing for search the ISO FS even after it has been 
moved into ram. There is already a fix for this in the next version which 
will land soon after 13.10 is released. There is user feedback very 
quickly after starting.

I would almost prefer these didn't show till after installing to disk as 
they are no use while running from memory.

Other new things for the installer:
- give error dialog if none of the packages are available - Done
- only show packages that are not already installed - Done
- Show more indication of activity while downloading large packages
- error handling of apt-get errors
- Better dealing with apt-get questions for the user
    For example:
 	jackd2 realtime?
 	install mscorefonts? (32 bit only)

Len Ovens

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