[ubuntu-studio-devel] Ubuntu Studio 13.10 - Default wallpaper proposition RC1

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Tue Sep 10 19:29:20 UTC 2013

On Tue, 10 Sep 2013, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

> On Mon, 2013-09-09 at 11:33 -0700, Len Ovens wrote:
>> You should have noticed that all the workflow
>> submenus have new icons too. The icon for the "extra audio production
>> applications" should be the one you designed for me.
> Correct, this is what I have seen.

Hmm any of the versions of the menu with that icon I have start 
>> USC should only show up in two places (oops three): on the main menu (I
>> would like to remove it from there... or make that the only place), in the
>> system folder and on the bottom panel
> It was opened when I clicked on "Extra Audio Production Application". I
> forgot to mention, that no Internet connection was established when I
> clicked it.

Zsyncing both 32bit and 64 bit images to todays build to check. But so far 
as I know there was never a version of the desktop files with that icon 
and usc together. I will in fact, go through all of our extra sw menu 
items to make sure thay are correct :)

> IMO Synaptic is a very good tool for searching software. Linux users
> should learn to use such tools, when using something similar to iTunes
> e.g. USC, then they miss the advantages of Linux. Better provide more
> Links to information, than software that imaginary seem to be easier to
> use, but in reality hide the advantages of Linux.

I think for a while we have been the only flavour That still includes 
synaptic. Personally, synaptic is the first tool I reach for too. It seems 
there is a large group of people (among the developers) who use apt-cache 
on the command line for search and then apt-get for all their downloading 
and upgrading.

Len Ovens

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