Contributors needed to define our workflows

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at
Wed Jun 5 07:24:49 UTC 2013

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013, at 09:13 AM, Marco BRUNO wrote:
> I am available for testing of audio applications for use in web radio and
> live situations. In addition I'd like to test a possible version of
> ubuntu
> live as to perform only to usb memory stick on host systems with ability
> to
> store data on the stick.
> Io mi  rendo disponibile per fare test su applicazioni audio da
> utilizzare
> in ambito web radio ed in situazion live . In oltre mi piacerebbe 
> testare
> una eventuale  versione di ubuntu live da far eseguire solo su chiavetta
> su
> sistemi ospiti con possibilità di archiviare dati sulla chiavetta.
> Marco BRUNO

Initially, if you already know of existing problems with this, or that
we should include some applications, just start a new thread and explain
it to us. 
I will need to look deeper at a good way to investigate a certain
workflow. I like to be as thorough as I can, but also, not cause too
much work on people :).

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