Youtube channel created for Ubuntu Studio - contributors needed to submit tutorials

Jimmy Sjölund jimmy at
Wed Jun 5 07:01:43 UTC 2013

On Wed, Jun 5, 2013 at 2:36 AM, Kaj Ailomaa <zequence at> wrote:

> We now have a youtube channel for Ubuntu Studio
> It's linked to the Ubuntu Studio G+ page, so all page managers should
> also be able to manage the youtube channel.
> I'll announce it later on social sites, and mail lists.
> The primary reason for the channel is to host tutorials. So far we have
> no written down guidelines for how to do this. I'll prepare some later.
> But, for now, something like this should do:
> Category tree for tutorials:
>  * main workflow (i.e., audio, video, graphics, etc)
>   * sub workflow (i.e., recording, mixing, mastering, editing, etc)
> So, we could name one video something like: "audio - recording - setting
> up ardour for recording"
> or: "video - modelling - how to create a soccer ball".
> The videos don't need to be long. And we don't need to cover everything
> imaginable. Just some basic stuff to begin with. So, short and to the
> point is much appreciated.
> The videos should have:
>  * recorded desktop - both audio and video from the actual workflow
>  * english subs - describing what is going on
> Spoken english is voluntary.
> Not sure what we should do about background music, and such, but for
> now, I think we don't need to use it at all.
> Would be nice to have a pool of music that is suitable for using in the
> background (preferably something somewhat soft, that works for all age
> groups and style preferences), and that we can use on multiple videos.
> We should ask for submissions for this separately.
> Tutorials for audio related workflows probably don't require background
> music anyway.

Great initiative! With some guidelines on how to create them so we get a
similar look'n'feel I would try to do some tutorials.

I vote strongly against background music in tutorials. Especially if you do
a voice over of what you are doing or when the tutorial is concerning audio
or video production, I think it's unnecessary and collide with the
information you are trying to get through.
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