[ubuntu-studio-devel] New for saucy

Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Sun Aug 25 15:10:56 UTC 2013

Here is the list of things that I know are new for saucy:

New menu structure will work on any flavour. (that's not broken)
  - moved various apps to right submenu
  - New menu Icons
New installer package
  - can install our metas
  - allows our extra software menu items to work on any DE
New Setting manager structure to replace the settings submenu. All
settings in one place.
Grub fixes
  - Name changed to UbuntuStudio
  - Ensure the latest lowlatency kernel is always the default
    (even if there is a newer generic kernel)
Removed XFCE as a session choice in lightdm it caused too much confusion

Len Ovens

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