[ubuntu-studio-devel] Webshop - Last bits before announcning

Kaj Ailomaa zequence at mousike.me
Mon Aug 12 11:10:42 UTC 2013

I finally got a picture with me wearing the t-shirt. Attaching with this

ttoine, could you please give us a run through of the legal details of
this webshop.
Who owns the brand, who gets paid for the t-shirts, and our part in
this, etc.
I'll use that as reference when I create the page for it on our website.

Once we are ready to publish the details on our webshop and post about
it on blogs, etc, it would be good if we are ready with the design of
the webshop.
What can we do to design it further? Are there possibilities to do html?
We need to settle for a design. We should also use the new logo created
by madeinkobaia.

Any changes of products should go through one or more of the leading
members. Myself and madeinkobaia in particular, before released.
It's important for me that we maintain a nice quality and well designed
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