multihead monitors

Janne Jokitalo astraljava at
Tue Oct 30 04:15:02 UTC 2012

On Mon, Oct 29, 2012 at 06:02:57PM -0700, Len Ovens wrote:
> For the blue print item about multihead monitors, I think the key is
> xfce4-display-settings. This saves settings from session to session.
> However, there is still the problem of more than one system setup either
> on purpose or by accident. There needs to be something that monitors the
> system setup and when it changes, loads the config for that setup.
> This would mean that every  time there was a change in hardware, a monitor
> was added or removed, a config file that fits that number or set of
> monitors needs to be loaded.  That would mean more than one config file to
> save. Or a general method to follow... ie size of whole screen, side by
> side or top to bottom.

bluesabre and ochosi have been working on this over at the Xubuntu side. You
should talk to them before starting up anything new. I'm pretty sure most of the
various work flows are already achievable with it.

And by it I'm referring to just what you mentioned first,

Jaska (astraljava on

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