Len Ovens len at ovenwerks.net
Mon Oct 15 03:54:31 UTC 2012

On Sun, October 14, 2012 8:24 pm, Eric Hedekar wrote:

> I'm not exactly sure what will take place if the recommended font package
> gets blacklisted.  I'm also not sure of the legality of this - i.e. will
> the font package in question appear on our ISO and do we have legal rights
> to do this with our/ubuntu's distribution policies?

The package is not a font package (which is why it is in the repos) It is
a font installer. Like the flash installer that used to come with firefox.
It does not have any fonts in the package itself. Just the address of
where to find them and the license text for the user to accept (I am not
even sure it does not download that part too). Wine will work without the
MScore fonts but will use obviously different fonts in their place. They
are quite readable though. It would be possible to give a "no accept"
answer in the preseeds as we do for jackd (jackd is a yes). The jackd
package sets "no" first (if there is no prior setting) then asks and
changes it if the user does. So in an auto setting no is selected. The
mscorefont-installer "should" do the same, but we should check. If so
there should be no problem as the fonts would not be installed even though
the installer was. However we can find out what the variable is and what
it needs to be set to for a "no" answer and preseed it to be sure.

What I don't know is what happens to the installer after that. does it
stay on disk? get deleted? Does apt record it as already installed? Is the
"no accept" answer stored somewhere?

I think the user would have to force reinstall after that. This is my guess.

Len Ovens

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