help button in our main menu.

Len Ovens len at
Sat Jul 7 17:30:33 UTC 2012

On Sat, July 7, 2012 9:40 am, Kaj Ailomaa wrote:
> On Sat, 2012-07-07 at 09:15 -0700, Len Ovens wrote:
>> Right now our help button on the menu points at a file that doesn't
>> exist
>> Should someone have time to put together a web page for the ISO, the URL
>> you would be working with is:
>> /usr/share/ubuntustudio-docs/about/ubuntustudio-index.html
> I can create the page, np. Added to blueprints.

Great, I will change the launch command to the web page for now. It turns
out xfbrowser is no longer there so the *.desktop file has to be fixed for
that too. The fix works in precise too so we can SRU from the same file.

Len Ovens

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