Wishlist Ubuntu Studio 12.04 LTS

Ralf Mardorf ralf.mardorf at alice-dsl.net
Sun Feb 19 09:57:30 UTC 2012

Hi :)

I installed w3m to my Ubuntu Studio 11.10 and run it in the Xfce
terminal emulator.
By default the links are dark blue on black [1], in other words it comes
with a unreadable default color palette. Whereas the font is ok, "1" and
"l" and "0" and "O" are distinguishable.

When I installed w3m I noticed that brltty or anything else related to
braille isn't installed by default. IMO the installer already should be
capable to use with braille, but at least the default install should
support braille.


I noticed this, when I checked a link, before I sent it to a blind Linux
w3m http://www.postwegschule.de/

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