workflow menus

Len Ovens len at
Mon Aug 13 21:01:29 UTC 2012

On Mon, August 13, 2012 1:48 pm, Ralf Mardorf wrote:

>>  - I can probably do up the menus themselves if I know what items to put
>> where. The whole idea is not something I see myself using for my own
>> work, but once it is there, who knows, I may find it useful. They may as
>> well be in the order that they would be used.
> US menus are better than "averaged" menus, but they are still close
> enough to "averaged" menus. Hence users like me do benefit from US menus
> and at the same time we're, resp. I'm not confused when switching
> distros.

Just to set you at ease, the main menu will remain as is. The menus I was
talking about are another set of menus just for workflows on the other
panel (think easy for the user to disable) for people new to artistic
workflows. This is something ailo, scott and myself came up with. I don't
think I would use it, but it may help someone new.

Len Ovens

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