firefox book marks

Len Ovens len at
Mon Aug 13 20:06:53 UTC 2012

On Mon, August 13, 2012 11:39 am, Scott Lavender wrote:
> On Sun, Aug 12, 2012 at 3:53 PM, Len Ovens <len at> wrote:
>> I have figured out the right way to install firefox default home page
>> and
>> bookmarks. I was able to add ubuntustudio's web site as homepage, on the
>> bookmarks toolbar and as a bookmark in the bookmark menu.

Mostly what you have below I had. However, as disused on IRC, The "right"
way as per the ubuntu -default-settings creator and the firefox web site
has a problem. When the new firefox package installs (every 6 months or
so) it would over write our changes or refuse to install... Perhaps Ubuntu
has another obscurely documented way of doing this, but all the other
methods I found don't work for me.

The method that did work was to create a new

One of the other ways I found on the web was to add files in
/etc/firefox/pref. This might work except for the ubufox (not quite the
right name) package which moves things to /etc/xul-ext but no pref
subdir... and creating one doesn't help. Putting a url for home page in
ubufox.js (as the writing in the that file suggests) does not work. Rather
the url has to point to another file (they use something in
/usr/share/xul-ext I think) That has the url. There are not examples how
to do other things like set bookmarks. So we could set the home page to be, but in my opinion, bookmarks would be way more useful.

As an aside. I had problems setting up xchat to open #ubuntustudio instead
of or as well as #ubuntu. The only way I could do so was with a file in
/etc/skel. I was told this is not acceptable. The only other way is to do
what Ubuntu does and patch the source... like who is going to maintain

So what I did, was to create a menu icon (aka desktop file) under the help
icon that has the US logo and starts xchat already joined to #ubuntustudio
or, if xchat is already running, it opens #ubuntustudio in the running

The reason I mention this... is because the other way around this is to
have a unbutustudio or ubuntustudio help submenu where the help icon is
and add commands to open various US webpages in the default browser or IRC
channels in xchat.

Please let me know.

> iI was mostly brainstorming about what could go there. i'll run down what
> I
> got in my head:
> forums - I would use, this
> is the ubuntu studio section of the ubuntu forums, you might call it
> Ubuntu
> Studio Forums, while not technically correct.

I had that, though I made it singular ;-)

> - i'm not sure we should use this, but we need to make a
> definitive decision about where we are hosting the user documentation. i
> prefer the website personally over the ubuntu wikis as i think most users
> will just google search and find our website rather than the ubuntu wiki.

The website has this page if you select "support and feedback" anyway. I
had included it, but I would be happy not to as well.

> website - yeah, we should include this, even if we don't host user
> documentation there. call it Ubuntu Studio Website or similar

Got that.

> youtube channel - obviously we have already discussed the "Ubuntu Studio
> YouTube Channel", which doesn't really exist yet. i wouldn't note this
> yet.

Not till it is worth looking at.

> ubuntustudio users mailing list - ubuntu-studio-users at,
> call it "ubuntu studio users mailing list" :P

I had that.

> ubuntustudio dev mailing list - ubuntu-studio-devel at, call
> it "ubuntu studio developers mailing list" or "ubuntu studio CONTRIBUTORS
> mailing list", the latter one is more inclusive

I didn't have that in, but I think the list is the best way for new
helpers to start helping. a) it means they don't expect a right now
answer. b) it is a better place to learn manners (maybe? Than on IRC).

Len Ovens

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