Dual screens

Scott Lavender scottalavender at gmail.com
Sat Nov 26 20:33:47 UTC 2011

On Sat, Nov 26, 2011 at 1:27 PM, Erik Rasmussen <MailForErik at gmail.com>wrote:

> I've observed this problem with dual or multiple monitors on Ubuntu Studio
> 11.10 as well.
> Is anyone successfully using 2 or more monitors on Ubuntu Studio 11.10 ?
>  If yes, how did you get it to work?
> *
> *
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i'll do some testing this weekend on my two desktops as well.

but there is major development in progress this cycle for multi-head
support.  you can see:

the development seems pretty extensive, including stacking four monitors in
various arrangements and whether the mouse should be slightly "caught" as
they move from screen to screen and also window menus/systray showing or
not in other monitors.  great stuff to look forward towards.

however, i believe the talk was to focus on some more straightforward use
cases for the immediate.  this will get multi-head support working for
precise (and LTS to boot) for the large percentage of users.

so, where does this leave us for now?  i say we test what we can, find the
best solution for ubuntu studio users, document it, and then announce what
we suggest :)

as progress for precise occurs we can always test, append our
documentation, and announce the improvements.

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