Workflows Wiki Page

Jon Reagan jreagan90 at
Mon Nov 14 19:17:21 UTC 2011


I'd be happy to create those pages for our supported workflows.  My
primary concern about having a single page for all the workflows was
the length of the page.  Editing, analyzing, and adding ideas would be
much easier on shorter, workflow-specific pages.

I like your idea of links on the main workflows page.  Just thinking
out loud here, on the workflows page I could add a section at the top
with links to the accepted workflows and add directions/guidelines for
developing new workflows below that, and either create a new page for
future workflow development or just place the ideas further down the
page.  Slap on a header for navigation through the workflow pages and
bam, we've got one heck of an organized, clean method of creating and
developing workflows.  Just out of curiosity, which workflows did the
team decide to support after the meeting yesterday?


On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 8:08 AM, Scott Lavender
<scottalavender at> wrote:
> hi jon,
> another thought was to also make a page eventually to parse the
> "supported" work flows, ie the preferred ones that we ship packages to
> support, from the others
> i'm not sure which is the better solution at this point, but i thought
> the idea of showing a particular page with what we currently support
> would be helpful, especially to new users
> of course at some point we should really build up the
> wiki pages to provide a tutorial of sorts for our supported work flows
> so this may not really be an issue
> hmmm, new thought, we could just include a list at the beginning of
> which ones we support and still separate the pages like you described
> scottl
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