We've fallen, but we can get back up.

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at gmail.com
Sun Aug 14 16:11:46 UTC 2011

On Sat, Aug 13, 2011 at 1:45 PM, Cory K. <coryisatm at ubuntu.com> wrote:

> Over the past few weeks I've felt much like I did when I stopped being
> active on the team 2 releases ago. Beaten and disheartened. We simply
> aren't the team we once were. Family, work, school. Many things pop up
> and take away our attention or team members altogether. Regardless of
> the reasons, we simply can not do what we used to.
> Producing a Ubuntu Studio install disk must stop. Even now, in the
> middle of a cycle.
> We spend so much of our time with disks, seeds, integration, changes
> Ubuntu proper makes, bugs that loosely relate to us and whatnot that
> we don't focus on what I've felt our core purpose is. Showing people
> that you can be creative and productive using Linux.
> So yeah. I'm saying that we stop now. No Oneric release. We need
> significant restructuring and refocusing on what we as a team with
> constant churn can actually achieve.
> I will quickly give some ideas but I'm starting a wiki page that we
> can develop. https://wiki.ubuntu.com/UbuntuStudio/NewStudio I will get
> info outlined in the coming days.
> Ideas:
> *PPA for tested and trusted pkgs. Kernels, new apps ect. All with the
> intention of getting anything we can eventually into Ubuntu.
> *No installable releases. (/Possibly/ spinning an add-on disk (i
> think Edubuntu does this) or LTS only releases.)
> *We would become an add-on and desktop agnostic.
> *Theming can be done to support KDE and XFCE.
> *Continue development of "Controls" to allow users to set things easily.
> *Clean up our LP pages. As changes happen to LP so do our pages.
> Things feel/look very convoluted and need love.
> Just some quick ideas. (and not all I have)
> Could be a big change but we just can't keep it up. Our quality in
> releases has gone down for sure and it makes me ill. We need
> significant changes.
> This email could be better, but I need to get something out to get the
> ball rolling. Things will be more thought out on the wiki.
> --
> -Cory K.
>  Ubuntu Studio dev
we can probably get some help from #xubuntu-devel building whats needed if
thats the issue Cory. i would be into entertaining the 'meta-package only'
model next cycle. i dont feel like its fair to those few who are working
towards this cycles release though to drop the iso right now, unless thats
the consensus opinion. let us know if you need help, and thanks for your

> --
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