Short version: Possible UI cairo-dock/Unity/compiz

Mike Holstein mikeh789 at
Fri Apr 22 02:46:59 UTC 2011

i would like to see a screenshot... you could use imagebin... try and come
to #ubuntustudio-devel , we are in the beginnings of moving forward to XFCE,
so now is the time to actively share you findings... and thanks for working
on this... even if we go with XFCE, we will need things like this for folks
to use unity, and having them up front and documented and well supported
would be great...

On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 10:31 PM, Luke Kuhn <lukekuhn at> wrote:

>  A longer version of this with screenshots was too big for the list, so
> here's the short of it:
> Here's my suggestion for the next UI, I am using a version of it right now.
> Cairo-dock with main menu button on the left, icon for menus ubuntustudio
> button.  This is
> how I got back the full Ubuntustudio menus that are lost in both
> gnome-shell and Unity.
> Compiz/Unity, compiz outperforms Mutter  and is more configurable
> Apply my bugfix in ubuntustudio-look to get white text in Unity:
> Port ubuntustudio theme to include gtk3, I am using a rough version but
> have
> gtk2 and gtk 3 apps looking almost alike.
> When GNOME 3's version of nautilus is brought in, set it to manage the
> desktop and draw icons, will
> work essentially the same as the previous nautilus. I am using it now,
> along with GNOME3 versions
> of everything I use for which they are available except GDM and the network
> manager. I can run
> Unity or gnome-shell with almost identical function and nearly the same
> appearance.
> --
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