Ubuntu Studio 11.10 UI discussion. GNOME3, Unity, XFCE and Studiousers workflow.

louiethecuban at gmail.com louiethecuban at gmail.com
Sat Apr 16 01:20:21 UTC 2011

sorry for my ignorance, as I'm on the road (I would normally just look this up), but what distro is puredyne based on?
Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

-----Original Message-----
From: ailo <ailo.at at gmail.com>
Sender: ubuntu-studio-devel-bounces at lists.ubuntu.com
Date: Sat, 16 Apr 2011 00:17:07 
To: <ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
Reply-To: Ubuntu Studio Development & Technical Discussion
	<ubuntu-studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com>
Subject: Re: Ubuntu Studio 11.10 UI discussion. GNOME3, Unity, XFCE and Studio
	users workflow.

The reason I bring this up is perhaps there is someone on puredyne's
team that would like to assist in developing Ubuntu Studio, since they
base their system on XFCE and Ubuntu, and will likely not want to do the
same work twice, anyway.

They might have a different set of requirments for their release, but
still, it would make sense to try build some bridges.

I can take the initiative to such a contact, anyhow. I subscribe to
their mail list and am connected to their irc channel. Not much
activity, but it's worth a shot, I think.
Especially since puredyne is a great distro for audio.

On 04/15/2011 07:12 PM, Mike Holstein wrote:
> i agree so much, im top-posting.. anyone know anyone that works on puredyne?
> assuming we have all seen gnome+ubuntustudio in action, maybe some more of
> us can DL puredyne and check it out... it really runs great live
> On Fri, Apr 15, 2011 at 12:32 PM, ailo <ailo.at at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Not to say, live images.
>> On 04/15/2011 06:31 PM, ailo wrote:
>>> At this stage I would want to contact Puredune, since they have a lot of
>>> experience with XFCE.
>>> On 04/15/2011 05:52 PM, C K wrote:
>>>> So since no competing proposals against using XFCE have been put forth
>> I'll
>>>> consider it a done deal. We're going with XFCE.
>>>> Over the next few weeks I'll be studying the technical aspects of making
>>>> this happen. Setting themes, working on a default UI, (I'll just use
>>>> Xubuntu's for now) making new packages and testing upgrade paths. I
>> worry
>>>> this will break existing Studio users setups. Or at least add alot of
>> cruft.
>>>> I'll also be reaching out to the Xubuntu folks.
>>>> I hope to set up a PPA that can be added on top of a base CLI install
>> for
>>>> testing.
>>>> Any interesting ideas from other XFCE distros are welcome.
>> --
>> ailo
>> --
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