Ubuntu switching to Unity Desktop

Chris Jones chrisjones at comcen.com.au
Thu Oct 28 08:32:07 BST 2010

On Thu, 2010-10-28 at 09:17 +0200, Antoine Thomas wrote:
> 2010/10/28 Brian David <beejunk at gmail.com>

>         I am concerned about the 3d graphics requirement.  I know a
>         lot of people use Ubuntu (and Linux in general) to run older
>         machines, so that could be an issue.
> Do you really think that Unity may need more graphic power than
> current desktop effects using Compiz Fusion ? I think that it will be
> lighter than a standard Gnome.
> Toine

I am not so sure about that.

I have tested Unity in its current form on my onboard Intel i865 video
chipset which can run Compiz just fine. Yet Unity simply does not work,
on the same hardware.
Although this may change as development comes along.



Chris Jones

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