Design & Aesthetics in Ubuntu Studio

Scott Lavender scottalavender at
Sun Oct 17 15:16:42 BST 2010

Hi Louie,

On Sat, Oct 16, 2010 at 3:19 PM, Louie Queral <louiethecuban at>wrote:

> Before joining Ubuntu Studio's mailing list, I was really interested in two
> things: 1) Ubuntu Studio's web presence/strategy and 2) The GUI/theme/colors
> of the OS itself. I want to take this opportunity to use this thread as a
> place to discuss and organize that design-oriented direction of Ubuntu
> Studio for the next release.
> The way Ubuntu Studio looks and feels is going to be the deal breaker for
> 98% of the people that use it. If we release something that's nothing short
> of visually stunning and well thought out, there will be no doubt our next
> release will be met with much approval in the linux community (as well as
> the much larger art/music community).
> So here are some topics I think we should cover:
> *Installer*- Let's get a graphical installer in the next release. Ubuntu
> has one, so there is no reason that Ubuntu Studio shouldn't. It will make
> things much easier for the inexperienced Linux user.

I wish people wouldn't make statements like this.  Most times there _are_
reasons for something not being done.  Fewer are the times when something
isn't being done just because it isn't being done or no one thought of it.

My understanding is that including the graphical installer makes the ISO
building process much more complicated, not that it can't be done, but it
adds additional components to the process.

Currently there are two people _associated_ with the -devel team that have
an idea of what is involved.  They don't know all the ins and outs, they are
just aware of what is involved.  And these people are not directly involved
in the team's actions on a day to day basis because they have vast
responsibilities in other quarters in Canonical/Ubuntu, but you might view
them as technical advisors.

Now, that isn't to say that we _couldn't_ do this.  Is that there are
reasons why we aren't doing it now.  If you, or anyone else, would like to
research this, then we CAN see about doing it possibly.

You would need to research it, build it on your own providing a
proof-of-concept, demonstrate your competency, commit to providing triage
and bug fixes if things go wrong, and then we can discuss it further.

A similar situation is occurring with Mike Holstein and creating a LiveDVD
for Ubuntu Studio.  I cannot say that we would official release a LiveDVD of
Ubuntu Studio, but Mike has been working on learning how to create a LiveDVD
that would be community supported, partly because he thinks we should have a
LiveDVD for Ubuntu Studio but also because he wishes to learn more about it.

> *Default Theme- *I'm not sure if we are going to use Ubuntu's latest theme
> (it's quite pretty if you ask me), or not. I personally hated US's old theme
> and I'm sure we can come up with something much cleaner for gnome.

I don't think we will be using the current Ubuntu theme for a default
installation of Ubuntu Studio.  This does not prevent one from installing
Ubuntu's default theme however.

What do you mean "old theme"?  Do you mean the current, dark one?  And what
do you mean "cleaner for gnome"?

Again, if you do not like what we currently have then I encourage you to
develop something else for consideration.  Ubuntu Studio is community
derived and supported.  None of the current and active members are Canonical
or Ubuntu employees or are paid to work on Ubuntu Studio.

If anyone has a theme they have worked on or use and would like it
considered for the next Ubuntu Studio release, please let us know.  But we
currently do not have the resources to create a new one, unless someone from
community offers to do it.

> *Default Wallpaper*- There was an email about this, and I really liked
> that wallpaper. Any other suggestions?

I encourage everyone to either submit wallpapers you have created or ones
you have seen to this mailing list.

One further step to ensure that the wallpaper has a good chance of being
used: make sure of the license of the wallpaper.

> If there are any other things, please feel free to add it.
> Let's make this next release the best one ever!


> -Louie
> --
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