AW: Putting the cart before the horse. (was: Final Notes on the Ubuntu Studio Website)

saearea-test at saearea-test at
Sat Oct 16 17:41:49 BST 2010

Von: Benjamin Turner <passionsplaydesign at>
An: Ubuntu Studio Development & Technical Discussion 
<ubuntu-studio-devel at>
Gesendet: Samstag, den 16. Oktober 2010, 17:53:40 Uhr
Betreff: Re: Putting the cart before the horse. (was: Final Notes on the Ubuntu 
Studio Website)

I updated the revamp wiki to include a fictionalized "target audience" - his 
name is James!  I do this profile creation a lot when I'm working on a project 
-- kind of puts a face to who I'm trying to design for.  Anyway, I tried to 
create a person that we want to be using Ubuntu Studio (even though he isn't the 
only one, he is the 'main' one)  Have a look, and see if it's kind of who 
everyone imagines our target user to be.  

Also, I made some updates to the Audio Horizons theme:  

Keeping James' needs in mind, I tried to simplify things down, and make it easy 
to a) find out why Ubuntu studio is right for him and b) once he tries it, how 
he can get various tasks done.

So in reference to a) the main page is almost entirely devoted to What Ubuntu 
Studio *is* and how it can help *you*.

As for b) I tried to make it easy to navigate lots of information.  The main 
categories are accessed from the top 'main nav' while secondary navigation 
changes on the left with each 'category' selection.  Specifically for the 
Support section, I envision a brief blurb for the major programs included, (Why 
is it that Jack is the first thing you start for everything audio?) with links 
to additional help.  Additionally there would be a 'Task' section that would 
outline the workflows and tools needed to get a task done.

So yeah, let me know what you think!

-- Benjamin

Hi Benjamin!

Very cool! I like it a lot and would like to learn whether all your creations 
were done using Ubuntu Studio applications? 

For example, one can create a great looking image in GIMP resembling a  website, 
but how does one proceed further. Which tools would one use to  turn the GIMP 
file into an HTML file? I guess this could be something included in the tasks 

Thanks again.


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