Putting the cart before the horse. (was: Final Notes on the Ubuntu Studio Website)

Louie Queral louiethecuban at gmail.com
Mon Oct 11 01:18:28 BST 2010

this is kind of random, but who has all of the ftp info? does scott?

On Sun, Oct 10, 2010 at 7:29 PM, Benjamin Turner <
passionsplaydesign at gmail.com> wrote:

> On Fri, Oct 8, 2010 at 9:59 PM, Brian David <beejunk at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Alright, here's my next go at it:
>> http://www.sunmachine.coop/ubuntu/mock-up_simple_2.png
>> I tried to add a little of all the designs we've seen so far.  Think of
>> this as the landing page, with the main site looking more along the lines of
>> Scott's mock-up, except with a matching palette.  Also, I decided to move
>> away from the darker colors, just to see what it was like.  All the links
>> and examples are basically placeholders, and can be replaced by whatever.
>> Let me know what you think.
>> --
>> -Brian David
>> --
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> Brian
> I'm liking the structural elements, specifically how the logo is front and
> center, anchoring the whole page.
> One thing that feels just a bit off to me is that the colors are all so
> close to each other on the color wheel - blues to purple, with a bunch of
> white. I wonder what would happen if you incorporated just a touch of
> yellow, maybe orange, to add some contrast.
> - Benjamin
> --
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