Closed video drivers for -realtime kernels

Tim Cook timothywayne.cook at
Sun Oct 10 22:24:44 BST 2010

On Sun, 2010-10-10 at 21:45 +0200, Alessio Igor Bogani wrote:
> Hi Ronan,
> 2010/10/10 Ronan Jouchet <ronan at>:
> [...]
> > I will also test the nvidia driver and report when I'm done.
> > BTW Alessio I guess you meant -rt, not -realtime, am I right?
> No -realtime. I'll don't work on -rt any more.

Hi Alessio,

I am a little confused.  Two days ago you sent an email with a subject
line of:  Maverick -lowlatency and -realtime kernel dropped 

> Hi All,
> Since no one offer helps for these kernels on Maverick I'll drop
> completely these, as promised, from my PPA in two days.
> In any case Lucid packages of these kernel rest in place.

I am sure that this is just a matter of cross-language mixups.  But to
be sure that I understand you based on these two emails.  Will you
please reply with a Y for yes and an N for no (just delete the incorrect
character); if the following kernels/distributions are correct and your
plans are that they will continue to be maintained?  Thanks for your

   -realtime     Y / N 
   -lowlatency   Y / N
   -rt           Y / N

   -realtime     Y / N 
   -lowlatency   Y / N
   -rt           Y / N

(future unamed distributions)
   -realtime     Y / N 
   -lowlatency   Y / N
   -rt           Y / N

Again, thank you so much for your time on this project.


Timothy Cook, MSc
Project Lead - Multi-Level Healthcare Information Modeling 

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