Putting the cart before the horse. (was: Final Notes on the Ubuntu Studio Website)

Takashi Sakamoto o-takashi at sakamocchi.jp
Tue Oct 5 05:25:58 BST 2010

Hi Scott,

In this kind of work, the screenshot is more powerful to give our
opinion than some comments. Would you please look at the screenshot I

I think this mocup has much information in a first browser screen and a
bit difficult to get the informations to need.

Then I re-align some components which you made and put some shots from
current ubuntustudio.com.


I change the logo to Cory K.'s Ideas because I want to put the COF
circle's color as key color.

This is the Grid-Analyzxe.


I put some basic and most needed information in the top. And I put much
text information to bottom. This layout will be good for several kind of
users, both newcomer and elder.

What I mean is not pushing my design but I prefer your mocup to current
ubuntustudio.com design. It's simple and easy to wathch. But there is
not so many information...

If you need my help and work, I have some time to help you till this
weekend. I can uunderstand and use the W3C's specification for (X)HTML,
CSS 2.0, JavaScript(ECMA Script), PHP 4 and 5. I'm willing to help you
with drupal if we share the basic source like MySQL data or theme
templates and so on. It'S a pretty sad that I usually use the other engines.


Takashi Sakamoto
o-takashi at sakamocchi.jp

(2010年10月04日 07:07), Scott Lavender wrote:
> On Tue, Sep 21, 2010 at 7:08 PM, Benjamin Turner
> <passionsplaydesign at gmail.com <mailto:passionsplaydesign at gmail.com>> wrote:
>     I would second not throwing out any concepts right off the bat.  I
>     think though that perhaps we should redirect where this thread is
>     going.  Before we get down to eliminating or zeroing in on any
>     'theme' we should really take a hard look as to how we want this
>     website to function for the Ubuntu Studio community.  
>     I'd like to try and summarize some things:
>     The current site at ubuntustudio.org <http://ubuntustudio.org/> is a
>     brochure site - it is very simple, and establishes a sort of
>     creative vibe- all the while smacking you in the face with DOWNLOAD
>     -- 1 2 3! This is exactly what we (traditionally) want the visitor
>     to do - try THIS distro. 
>     I took some time to whip up sitemap for the existing site, and also
>     one for the eventual 'revamped' one, using the elements that we have
>     going on the wiki.  In addition, I worked a wireframe over a
>     screenshot of the original site.  
>     What becomes apparent to me while looking over these site maps is
>     that people are brainstorming for a much more dynamic (and
>     complicated) website, one that begins to blur the lines between the
>     wiki, the forums, and the website, perhaps taking on aspects of a
>     social networking site (I'm thinking specifically about the
>     submissions, polls, and other things that would require someone to
>     create a profile).  
>     But do we have the energy/time/skill?
>     I think that many of these things sound cool.  I would ask ourselves
>     if we (and future users/contributors) will have the energy to create
>     and maintain one MORE online persona.  Maybe, maybe not.  Perhaps
>     this 'social connection' role could be filled by other existing
>     sites?  I'm thinking about the deviantART and Flikr user groups for
>     inkscape.  Are there other sites out there that could facilitate the
>     creation of Music Creation Communities?  To put it another way, do
>     we have people here wanting to code and maintain that sort of
>     community in relation to the Ubuntu Studio Website?  
>     Where are we going?
>     In the end I feel we should more clearly describe where Ubuntu
>     Studio is moving, and how we envision using it, and by extension,
>     how we will use the website.   
>     For me I first came to Ubuntu Studio because it was built on the
>     back of Ubuntu's Gnome install, but with an eye to a more
>     specialized and 'professional' grade of computer user.  This being
>     said, there are still a few other applications I install that are
>     not included in the base installation (Who doesn't?)  I can see the
>     Ubuntu Studio project becoming a nexus of creative energy.  Taking
>     the best things out there, and making them work well together, all
>     the while documenting the processes, and making it easy for new
>     users (both to Linux, AND to art creation)  to create high quality
>     digital art creations.  
>     Let me know if this resonates with anyone.  Where do others see our
>     goals being?
>     -- Benjamin
>     --
>     Ubuntu-Studio-devel mailing list
>     Ubuntu-Studio-devel at lists.ubuntu.com
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> I hope to address some of the questions in this email later this week.
> Properly identifying the audience and the purpose of the website is
> critical in order to make the website useful.  I have given it quite a
> bit of thought but haven't really devoted time to fleshing it out and
> writing it down.
> However, in that fashion I have been working on this mock-up for the
> past two weeks while exploring audience and purpose:
> http://www.fossmusicproject.org/public/images/website-mockup-3.png
> I trust that most people will find this mock-up far superior to my last
> one ;)
> Comments are encouraged and welcomed (even ones that say it sucks).
> ScottL
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