Next steps after inclusion of jack in main

Fritz Meissner meissner.fritz at
Tue Mar 9 21:01:03 GMT 2010

On 9 March 2010 21:11, Scott Lavender <scottalavender at> wrote:

> I poked around a bit and have some answers (correct ones also I think) about
> Pulse Audio and JACK integration in Lucid.
> Since the transition of JACK into the main repositories there have been a
> number of applications that now have been built with JACK support in Lucid,
> notably Pulse Audio.
> Therefore, if you were to download the latest Alpha image you can test that
> integration.  You can find it here:
>  Please note
> that I am currently suggesting that the Alpha ISO is used instead of the
> daily build AT THIS TIME.  Normally you could test daily builds, which are
> found here,, but we are
> currently experiencing a slight problem with the daily builds at this time.
> So, it is recommended, again AT THIS TIME, to test the slightly older Alpha
> 3 build.
> A note about testing Pulse Audio and JACK integration:  It is my
> understanding that starting JACK via qjackctl will suspend Pulse Audio by
> running pasuspender.  This was the methodology that allowed JACK to serve
> sound with Pulse Audio installed before Pulse Audio was built with JACK
> support.  I don't know if this is the case, I will test this tonight and
> report what I find.
> I have been told by some of the Ubuntu Studio developers that JACK2, which
> uses dbus, will be a far more elegant solution because it will allow Pulse
> Audio and JACK2 to negotiate per device.
Scott, thanks for taking the time to dig out these answers and also
for the detailed info on how to get involved in testing. I do want to
become a tester, and the links you gave have saved me a lot of time
digging around to find out how to go about it.

Things like running JACK with pasuspend are the sort of "cleaning up"
and integration work that I was thinking would take some time to work
through. I had been thinking it would be best to wait for this to
happen before starting testing, but I suppose that the sooner testers
start checking, the sooner these things will be found and fixed.

Your comment about jack2 : is that something for the future, or are
you saying that jack 2 is already in Lucid ?


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