Plymouth Splash for Lucid

Scott Lavender scottalavender at
Sat Mar 6 20:47:32 GMT 2010

On Sat, Mar 6, 2010 at 2:21 PM, Fritz Meissner <meissner.fritz at>wrote:

> Thanks for your work. My personal preference is for simplicity in boot
> splash screens - just because while I'm watching it for the 1000th
> time I start to wish that the thing would just boot as quickly as
> possible and not waste its time doing fancy graphics (even though I
> know that it doesn't really make any difference to the boot speed).
> Hence I like the first example.
> As a matter of interest, had you thought about updating the colour
> scheme to link with the new Ubuntu colours ? I know Studio wasn't
> using the old Ubuntu colours anyway, but if we want to make a change,
> then it would be logical to do it at the same time.
> Fritz

Thank you for your input Fritz!  A vote for the first example has been

Re: colors
While I  imagine that we would not necessarily use the same colors as
Ubuntu, I would also imagine that it is possible to change colors - at this
point Cory K. may vehemetly disagree ;) .

Do you have a suggestion for colors for the splash screen?

Do you have any other suggestions pertaining to Ubuntu Studio?

Also, do you use IRC?  Please join us at #ubuntustudio-devel and share your
ideas.  Or feel free to email this list with any and all.

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