Resignation from the UbuntuStudio project.

Cory K. coryisatm at
Thu Mar 4 23:54:37 GMT 2010

On 03/04/2010 06:32 PM, Luke Yelavich wrote:
> Greetings all
> It is with a heavy heart that I announce my resignation from the UbuntuStudio project, effective as of the lucid studio release, i.e end of April. I have decided to move on for a list of reasons:
>  * I do not have nearly as much interest in the project as I did when I started. I think this is probably due to not many people from the community stepping up to help us out, as well as the constant work required on infrastructure and technical pieces of the project requiring more time than I feel I can now give, see below.
>  * I can't give as much to the project as I would like to, due to other changes going on in life, and other projects outside FOSS that I am interested in.
>  * Another FOSS project that I am involved in needs my FOSS time to keep it afloat. I am also more interested in this other project than I am studio.
> As I said above, I will still be around until Lucid releases. I still care about the audio stack and its integration like jack et al. I still want to help push jack2 into Ubuntu, and tie it in nicely with pulseaudio etc, as this is an issue of integration, which I feel my employment at Canonical covers. I will be involved with sed work after studio releases, and will help where I can with the audio stack to support studio. This next couple of months or so also allows the team to sort itself out, and work out where the studio project will go from here. I am more than happy to help with administrivia with sorting out packaging branches, admin privileges for the studio dev team on launchpad, etc. I certainly don't want to walk away with a mess that needs to be cleaned up by someone else. I do want to exit gracefully, ensuring that loose ends are tied when I do depart.
> Finally, it has been a great few years working with you all. I have learnt a lot working on this project, and hope I can return one day to help where I can. I will always be interested in audio and music, and hope to use Studio one day to record and release my own material.
> So thanks all for a wonderful time working with you all, and a wonderful experience being a part of such a great community project.

Thank you very much for your work Luke. I'm positive Studio would be in
a very different place had it not been for your great work. As you
learned alot, you taught others. (ie: me) :) That in and of itself I
think was a great thing.

I as much as anyone knows the pressures of "real life" and shifting focus.

I feel I've been fortunate in knowing you and hope we can one day work
on something and hang out. Though I don't see this as goodbye, I'll say
good luck. :)

-Cory Kontros

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