Hardware List

Ricardo Lameiro ricardolameiro at gmail.com
Thu Feb 4 12:51:06 GMT 2010

yea, I agree with you, but i think that it is a real need to have , at
least, a link in the ubuntustudio page.
As you can see I already added the 2 cards I spoke about.

Maybe, we should try to make a pro listing.... maybe with computer configs
ans hardware to the lowest latency etc... for now maybe, we should edit and
update this hardware list.
my devices are already there :D

2010/2/4 Jussi Schultink <jussi01 at gmail.com>

> Hi there,
> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 2:31 PM, Ricardo Lameiro <ricardolameiro at gmail.com>wrote:
>> Sorry, but i think that nick had a great Idea.
>> Jussi, we should not duplicate, but better make a specialized one.
>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport In here, I just searched for
>> edirol audio boards and only are there 2. the ua-4fx now works with advanced
>> mode (i myself tested the patch before going to the alsa drivers at kernel)
>> and i use an FA-101 (firewire device) that uses FFADO drivers + JACK and it
>> works. So that list is outdated and is not aimed at PRO hardware or specific
>> solutions. One of the 2, either we make our own list or we try to update the
>> hardware list at ubuntu.
> Yes, it is under populated, but why should we then make a new list?
> this is on a wiki, we can edit it and make it better, lets use the
> resource, add links to our ubuntu studio pages to it and generally make it
> better.
>> I think we should make one in the ubuntu webpage, so if anyone wanting
>> audio has a link at the ubuntustudio webpage and follow it. the 2 can be
>> complementing pages. Maybe our list could be a test case. Each one puts its
>> hardware and some caracteristics. (jack,also support, latency, mixer,
>> etc...) I will contribute with my hardware.
>> I dont think its necessary to make something new. lets engage with whoever
> is maintaining the current pages, (ubuntu docs team?) or if unmaintained,
> lets just whack them into shape. As I said before, its a wiki, we can all
> edit it.
> Cheers,
> Jussi.
> 2010/2/4 Jussi Schultink <jussi01 at gmail.com>
>> Hi,
>>> On Thu, Feb 4, 2010 at 1:50 PM, Nick Fellows <nick.fellows at gmail.com>wrote:
>>>> Ubuntu Studio is a great platform for Audio and Multimedia tasks, I use
>>>> it for
>>>> writing / composing music.
>>>> I've been using Linux for quite some time and welcome the distro as it
>>>> provides a good consolidated platform for my needs.
>>>> I have a suggestion  - Maybe the Ubuntu Studio website could house a
>>>> hardware compatibility list .
>>>> It would be great if it could focus on Audio hardware and include
>>>> studio equipment.
>>> This kind of List already exists in a generic ubuntu sense (
>>> https://wiki.ubuntu.com/HardwareSupport), and there are specific
>>> sections for audio hardware.
>>> I don't think we want to duplicate this, IMHO.
>>> Audio hardware is difficult to select when building a linux based
>>>> studio setup as there are still a
>>>> manufacturers out there not providing drivers or adhering to USB Audio
>>>> standards.
>>>> Perhaps this could be made possible by community contributions?
>>>> What do people think about this as an idea for discussion ?
>>>> Kind Regards
>>>> Nick ...
>>> Cheers
>>> Jussi.
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