(re)Developing the Ubuntu Studio Site

Scott Lavender scottalavender at gmail.com
Wed Aug 25 01:30:39 BST 2010

On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 6:58 PM, Louie Queral <louiethecuban at gmail.com>wrote:

> Respond if you are definetly willing to work on ubuntu studio's site. I am
> totally willing to help, as is chris. Anyone else?
> On Tue, Aug 24, 2010 at 7:54 PM, Chris Jones <chrisjones at comcen.com.au>wrote:
>> I can help on the site development if you still need more people to
>> assist.
>> I am a Photographic Imaging Professional and my fields are
>> photo-graphic-web. And I used to run one of my own websites off Drupal.
>> So I have a good knowledge of how Drupal works from an Admin
>> perspective.
>> So if you still need some help, I'm willing to help where I can. ;-)
>> Regards
>> --
>> Chris Jones <chrisjones at comcen.com.au>
We could definitely use the help.

Do you have a vision for the website or can you work up an example?

Hit me with what you have.

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