[Proposal] - No instant messenger in Ubuntu Studio.

Jussi Schultink jussi01 at gmail.com
Tue Oct 20 06:14:45 BST 2009

On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 4:11 AM, Luis de Bethencourt <luisbg at ubuntu.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Oct 20, 2009 at 12:58 AM, Cory K. <coryisatm at gmail.com> wrote:
>> On 10/19/2009 07:48 PM, Eric Hedekar wrote:
>>> On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 4:22 PM, Cory K.<coryisatm at gmail.com>  wrote:
>>>> I /thought/ I expressed my disapproval w/Ubuntu switching to Empathy
>>>> over Pidgin early in the cycle but I mighta just ranted in IRC. :P
>>>> In any case, the more I thought about asking Luke to switch it in our
>>>> seeds I thought about whether it really makes sense for Studio? A distro
>>>> that is *not* a desktop distro.
>>>> So I propose we support/ship no client by default. Let the user apt-get
>>>> whatever they like.
>>>> Please chime in on this so we can act quickly. (as I'm sure we're
>>>> totally up against a freeze or something)
>>>> -Cory K.
>>> IF there's still time, I'd support shipping Karmic without a
>>> messenger. The only downside is that we conduct much of the Ubuntu
>>> Studio work on IRC and shipping without any IRC client might send a
>>> slight anti-participatory signal to users (just a slight one).
>> As Studio is and has been from it's inception meant to be used on
>> purpose-built, stand-alone systems I just don't feel it fits default.
>>> I do
>>> feel though that if we do ship a messenger, there's no reason to stray
>>> from the default Ubuntu client (empathy in this case).
>> We stray *heavily* from Ubuntu anymore. Generally, I don't think that
>> should be used as an excuse. I also very strongly feel that Empathy is a
>> step down from Pidgin feature-wise.
>> So I say we axe a messenger for now. See if there's a backlash of any
>> significance and look at this question again in Lucid in needed.
>> -Cory K.
> I agree with Cory, Empathy is not mature enough compared to Pidgin.
> Even further, if we are deciding which IM app to ship by default, it
> really does make sense to start wondering why shippin an IM client at
> all. Studio setups dont need an IM, even worse... the pop
> notifications and audio signals (they are turned on by default) break
> the artists concentration.
> Luis

To me this is rather a no brainer. We dont ship a networkmanager
installed by default, why would we ship things that rely on it?Studio
isnt meant to be an "internet" distro, its meant for creating things.
Put it on the dvd, but not installed. simple IMHO.


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