Ubuntu Studio Art Manager

Eric Hedekar afterthebeep at gmail.com
Tue Aug 18 22:16:24 BST 2009

On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 3:39 PM, Kiernan Holland <rofthorax at gmail.com>wrote:

> I could contribute some things, but I don't know about being a art
> manager..
> If you could put together a package of the images of a complete package, it
> would give us something to play around with, and I'm sure someone could come
> up with some themes, but it's not clear where these bitmaps reside.  Also I
> could arrange to make blender blend files that would manage the compositing
> and texturing/lighting/rendering of the elements, which is something you can
> do with blender. You can run blender like a blackbox, providing input and
> generating output, I once wrangled and animation unattended from a Makefile.
> I think any single theme, is a bad idea.. IF it's going to be about
> creativity, it should permit a wide range of themes, and these should be
> community created.. That means the elements should be accessible and
> selective by the community, as what good is a creative operating system if
> the elements of the interface are not being created by it's creative users.
Hi Kiernan,

I'm glad to see you're interested in helping.  Just for your (and everyone
else's) knowledge, the entire Ubuntu Studio official graphics (and
everything else that makes Ubuntu Studio what it is) is located at
https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntustudio-dev for everyone's perusal.
Specifically you'll find the ubuntustudio-look package here too:

Feel free to create a bzr branch of your own modifications to that package
at anytime, then a merge can be proposed and possibly approved to get your
changes into the official set.  Hope that helps clarify things.

- Eric Hedekar

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