Ubuntu Studio Art Manager

Cory K. coryisatm at gmail.com
Mon Aug 17 22:40:06 BST 2009

Luis de Bethencourt wrote:
> On Mon, Aug 17, 2009 at 10:48 AM, Eric Hedekar<afterthebeep at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hey Everyone,
>> I just wanted to raise the subject of Art development and management within
>> Ubuntu Studio.  As many of you may know, Cory Kontros has stepped away from
>> the project for personal reasons and he had previously been spearheading the
>> art portion of Ubuntu Studio.  It's my opinion that Cory left us with a
>> great default art set, but if it's left to sit still, chances are our users
>> will find it stale soon enough.  That's why I'd like to put a call out for a
>> new art manager.  The ideal candidate will not be placed directly into this
>> position, she/he will have to show they deserve it.  However, they should
>> have knowledge of theming all aspects of the gnome desktop (including boot
>> splash and GDM).  Is anyone out there interested?  I think the first step is
>> to upload your work/modifications/etc... to either a new launchpad bzr or to
>> the user art page in the wiki.  Second step would be to talk to the dev team
>> in either #ubuntustudio-devel or on the development mailing list.
> Eric,
> I would like for Cory to state he is stepping down from his current
> Art Leader position before giving this position to anyone else. As
> founder and leader of Ubuntu Studio for long, he had to step down for
> personal reasons but yet said he would keep leading the Art vertice of
> the project. He deserves the biggest respect and his approval in
> anything we do about this topic.
> That said, I do agree with you in the need to not stale in our awesome art.

Luis, for shame, with your top-posting. :P

I have had a small chat w/Eric on IRC a week or so ago regarding this.

I welcome anyone stepping into this position as long as they can
maintain the usual high-quality.

If not, the very least we can do is use Olis's latest wallpaper:

On a personal note, I *might* be returning to my home state in 6 weeks
for a job there. (I've been working 2 states away from the family) If
things work out, I hope to return to active involvement on the next
cycle. (in whatever capacity Studio might exist)

Rock on. \m/

-Cory K.

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