Cory K.
coryisatm at
Fri May 2 12:33:10 BST 2008
hollunder at wrote:
> Is the leader of the documentation team Murat Güneş? And if so, is he
> still not available?
> I feel the need to write a quick jack starter guide for new users,
> which covers the absolute basics to work with jack. But I need some
> advice, mainly because there are at least 3 articles that are similar,
> but don't really do the trick. Additionally, I never edited a wiki
> before.
> The guide, as I imagine it, in short words:
> 1. Make sure you have the rt-kernel
> 2. Make the appropriate settings in ubuntu studio controls
> 3. Make the necessary, stable settings in qjackctl, something like:
> frames 1024, periods3, rt
> 4. How to make basic connections using qjackctl, patchage
> Similar Articles:
> Advice appreciated.
> Best Regards,
> Philipp
ATM, the situation is unknown with Murat. He ran into some personal issues.
But you're more than welcome to write up whatever you like. :)
I'll help any way you need.
-Cory \m/
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