Apps without desktop files

Cory K. coryisatm at
Wed Feb 6 23:00:28 GMT 2008

hollunder at wrote:
> Hi there,
> I talked to Cory about that a while ago and now finally managed to
> actually make this list which just should be every audio app that has
> no .desktop file.
> I don't know much about the other areas and can hardly say what needs
> what in that area.
> The freezes could use confirmation and the apps should get tested on
> hardy.
> I hope that I'll find time to test alpha4 or a daily, but no promises
> since I didn't manage to run them with qemu or virtualbox yet.
> I used this list for gutsy:
> ubuntustudio-audio:
> meterbridge:
> it has a .desktop file but has 5 runmodes and should thus either get 5 menu entries or start in a terminal emulation
> bristol:
> needs a .desktop file, should be started in terminal using the command 'startBristol'
> swami:
> just needs a .desktop file
> tk707:
> needs a .desktop file, check if it is usable at all. In my case the font was so small I could hardly read it.
> shaketracker:
> needs a .desktop file, always freezes my machine on startup
> Tapiir:
> needs a .desktop file, freezes if started with --alsa, works if started with --jack
> denemo:
> needs a .desktop file
> Mostly cli apps that should get covered in the documentation in some way to lead the user to the app and give him an introduction (reference to manuals, short description, whatever, depending on the app):
> jdelay
> jack-tools
> csound
> linuxsampler
> lilypond
> Best Regards
> 	Philipp

Thanx man. Good job.

So who wants to look into this? I want someone to step up and take the
lead on it.

-Cory \m/

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