Hardy preparations.

Luis de Bethencourt bethencourt at gmail.com
Fri Oct 19 15:51:03 BST 2007

Let's get ready to rrummmbleee!!!


Luis de Bethencourt

On 10/19/07, Luke Yelavich <themuso at themuso.com> wrote:
> Hash: SHA1
> Hi all
> Over the next day or so, I am going to start prepping our bzr branches for hardy. This will
> mostly involve creating new branches for our current code, into dedicated branches for gutsy.
> This will allow easier referral or pulling patches from older branches should we need to do so.
> It also makes it easier for grabbing the work from this cycle, without having to understand how
> bzr works in terms of determining the latest revision for gusy, and pulling patches, etc.
> Here is a list from the top of my head. If I've missed anything, please let me know.
> ubuntustudio.gutsy <- seeds
> ubuntustudio-look
> ubuntustudio-icon-theme
> ubuntustudio-default-settings
> usplash-theme-ubuntustudio
> They are the most important ones from memory, so they will be done first.
> I would like to have everything as ready as possible so that when hardy opens, we can start
> planning, and getting packages updated. There are several big changes that need to be made to
> some of the above packages, which I'll be talking about with Cory, Luis, and Joe in Boston.
> Any packagers on the team who do not yet have a MOTU mentor, I would advise you to seek one out.
> With the work we want to do for hardy, we will need as many of you as are available, and willing
> to commit time to the project.
> - --
> Luke Yelavich
> GPG key: 0xD06320CE
>          (http://www.themuso.com/themuso-gpg-key.txt)
> Email & MSN: themuso at themuso.com
> Jabber: themuso at jabber.org.au
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> =lD0G
> --
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Luis de Bethencourt Guimerá
<bethencourt at gmail.com>
GPG: B0ED1326

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