Looking for mentor for GSoC

Ian Harris rumple at gmail.com
Fri Mar 20 13:48:27 GMT 2009

Hi all,

My name is Ian Harris and I am a final year PhD student in University
College Dublin in Ireland. I will be in the writing up/finished stage of my
PhD in early summer and will be freed up to do some other work so Summer of
Code seemed the natural option.

My computer programming knowledge comes primarily from a HDip in
Computational Science, which I did alongside the beginning of my PhD. During
the HDip I programmed in C, completing courses in Parallel Programming using
MPI, Visualisation using OpenGL as well as some general programming courses.
I have also written a fair amount of code as part of my PhD, however these
codes were all simulation based, my PhD is in Theoretical Physics/Applied
Mathematics. At this point Summer of Code would be a great opportunity to
explore the more challenging software development end of coding.

I've been using Ubuntu for about two years now and find it quite a good OS,
but what really interests me is polishing what is already there to make
interaction with the OS easy, especially important for less computer savvy
users. This has attracted me to two of the projects listed on the Ubuntu
ideas page for GSoC.

1. The compatability with webcams and microphones.
2. The enhancement of mobile device syncronization.

I am wondering is there anyone who would be interested in mentoring either
of these projects and if so could they help me out by directing me to good
sources of information to bulk up my base knowledge on them before writing
my applications project proposal?

Thanks for all you help,
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