[Ubuntu-SG] Meets in Singapore?

Prakash Advani prakash at ubuntu.com
Tue Apr 27 06:42:54 UTC 2010

On Monday 26 April 2010 03:57 PM, Anand Vaidya wrote:
> On 26 April 2010 pm 1:56:34 Prakash Advani wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I have just joined this list. I work for Canonical and I manage the
>> business in Central Asia (including Singapore).
>> I am visiting Singapore the week starting 24th May.. are there any meets
>> plans around that time frame?
> Hi Prakash,
> Welcome to Singapore. There is a Linux meetup on 29/May Details:
> http://www.meetup.com/sg-linux/calendar/13291735/
Thanks, I have registered. Looking forward to the meet.
>> How is the adoption of Ubuntu in Singaproe?
> Singapore is a Windows Country. Windows Absolutely dominates everything here.
> Being cash rich, a couple of dollars to Microsoft normally doesn't make much
> of waves , I guess.
> Not many well known instances. But we (SLMG) had converted a charity called
> Rainbow club to Ubuntu (Edubuntu).
Thats good to hear.
>> I would also like to know organisations that are large users of Ubuntu
>> or any Linux to understand how they are using.
> I have seen standalone Ubuntu servers in various places, but I am not sure I
> can reveal the customer names on a public mailing list. Many are SMEs (Small
> and Medium Enterprises)
> RHEL dominates the Linux market here. I use a lot of CentOS  at some of my
> client sites.
Better to see Linux than proprietary :)
> regards
> Anand
>> I would like to meet a few organisations, if anyone knows of them, I
>> would appreciate if you can put me in touch with them.
>> Best Regards
>> Prakash

Prakash Advani | http://cityblogger.com

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