[Ubuntu-SG] Meets in Singapore?

Luther Goh Lu Feng elfgoh at yahoo.com
Tue Apr 27 03:57:35 UTC 2010

Hi all, 

I am including SLMG and LUGS in the mail circulation. Since SLMG has been meeting regularly, would SLMG like to plan a May meetup around this? HackerspaceSG could be a possible venue. Please check http://hackerspace.sg/calendar/ for availability.



----- Original Message ----
> From: Prakash Advani <prakash at ubuntu.com>
> To: ubuntu-sg at lists.ubuntu.com
> Sent: Mon, April 26, 2010 1:56:34 PM
> Subject: [Ubuntu-SG] Meets in Singapore?
> Hi,

I have just joined this list. I work for Canonical and I manage the 
business in Central Asia (including Singapore).

I am visiting 
> Singapore the week starting 24th May.. are there any meets 
plans around that 
> time frame?

How is the adoption of Ubuntu in Singaproe?

I would 
> also like to know organisations that are large users of Ubuntu 
or any Linux 
> to understand how they are using.

I would like to meet a few 
> organisations, if anyone knows of them, I 
would appreciate if you can put me 
> in touch with them.

Best Regards

Prakash Advani 
> | http://cityblogger.com

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