[Ubuntu-SG] Software Freedom Day plans

Chow Loong Jin hyperair at gmail.com
Mon Sep 7 01:50:42 UTC 2009

On Monday 07,September,2009 09:34 AM, Muhammad Heidir wrote:
> Hi all,
> Thank you for your encouraging support!
> I'll run down a few details:
> 1. Stickers on USB, I didn't mean to paste the stickers onto USBs. I meant to say, stickers can come handy if people want them. As for the USB bootable, in case someone asks for them, we can fix up for them on the spot(no need to paste stickers)...
Looks like we'll need to stock up on ISOs to feed into usb-creator. Hopefully
I'd have already gotten sg.releases.ubuntu.com back online and can grab ISOs
from there by then. :-)
> 2. Loong Jin, we rely on you to get the Internet shared connection. By the way, how many LAN cables do you have? Currently I have about 3 pieces.
I have two (confirmed) pieces. One more I need to dig around to see if I brought
it to Singapore. I might have left it in Malaysia.
> 3. The switch which I intent to bring has 16 ports. The router can always be connected to the switch or the other way round.
That sounds pretty awesome. Speaking of which, from what I've heard, NLB has a
512k line which will probably be shared out via WiFi and LAN on that day.
> 4. (Ho Yi Hao) Floor plan and event information: http://sfds.foss-alliance.sg/PublicExhibits
> Our booth is at T12. You can hook with us there. We are friendly bunch of people. Just pop in and introduce yourself.
> 5. (Francis) Bring it on!
> Current Logistics:
> [...]
If I'm not mistaken, NTUOSS has some Ubuntu CDs which we will be giving out on
18th (SFD within NTU). If there are extras, I'll see if I can bring them along.

> Members:
> 1. Billy
> 2. Nick HS
> 3. Heidir
> 4. Ho Yi Hao
> 5. Francis Bond
> 6. Loong Jin
> Suggestion:
> We have 4 laptops and 1 netbook, is it possible for them to be assigned a specific task? In my previous email, I wrote that will be loading the netbook with Netbook Remix.
> Just choose or suggest an item for the laptop.
> 1. Netbook - Netbook Remix
> 2. XPS - Ubuntu + Edu stuff and games
> 3. Frets on Fire (Loong Jin)?
I've got that installed on my notebook.

> 4. Customised Ubuntu? Mac-a-like, Win7-a-like, funky-theme 
Mine's themed a little like Mac, but not completely like either. (Docky, Aurora
Smooth Gtk+ theme)

> 5. Gaming? (Urban Terror) we can hook up 2 or more systems, any system actually, be it Windows or Linux and play online
Well if we've got a switch, then this is a definite possibility. I'll bring my
mouse along then. Also, we should bring the installer along on thumbdrive or
something for those who don't have it installed.

Kind regards,
Chow Loong Jin

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