[Ubuntu-SG] Software Freedom Day Singapore 2009

Muhammad Heidir dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg
Sat Jun 13 03:32:42 UTC 2009

Hi all,

These are the current information that is available with regards to the
upcoming Software Freedom Day Singapore 2009.

Date: 18-19 September 2009
Location: Central Lending Library Plaza
Time: 1000 hrs - 1800hrs

They are no limitations as to how many tables that our team require.
Confirmation required once we have the full details.

As suggested in the previous meeting, here are some of the activities
will be preferred during the event:
- Showcase Edubuntu or Ubuntu loaded with educational games and tools
- Games(RPG, FPS, Online)
- Different ways to customize Ubuntu (MacUbuntu, WinBuntu, Kubuntu)

Software aside, here are the list of logistic items that are required
for the event:
- Router/Switch
- Extension Cables
- Systems (Laptop, Desktop)
- Monitors (Wide Screen, LCD)

Activities within the booth:
- Introduce the benefits of Ubuntu and its educational tools to parents
- Entice the juniors with games
- Present the different customisable features of Ubuntu to adults
- Distribution of handouts and CDs
- Membership application

What contributions that are required:
- Artwork designer
- Logistic Support
- Booth Presenters
- Monetary

- Artwork Designer
  Previous Software Freedom Day Singapore 2008 had a few artwork being
done up (https://wiki.ubuntu.com/SingaporeTeam/SFDS2008)
Artwork designer can choose to re-deisgn either the Handout brochure or
the Guide brochure. To keep costs low, the previous Team Banner will be
used with minor modifications.

- Logistic Support
  Members who are able to contribute their systems, or affiliated with a
commercial sponsor, or has the capability to provide systems and
transport can really make a big difference for the Team. We might need 4
systems either desktop or laptop and at least 2 monitors. Network
equipment is also needed since there will be no network point available
for use during the event.

- Booth Presenters
  Members who wish to contribute their time for the event are welcome to
join as Booth Presenters. Presenters are required to know the basic
about Ubuntu and able to effectively present/demo the benefits of using
Ubuntu and why is it better.

- Monetary
  Previous year, we had a few sponsors for the Team. This year, instead
of asking for monetary sponsors, we would greatly appreciate if
interested contributors can join us in the event and provide systems for
the booth. Our expected costs for this year's event will be minimal
since most of the articles are being resurrected from the previous year.

- No need to be formal, just pop in and contribute
- State what you are contributing

If you are designing brochures, do note that it will be licensed under
Creative Commons. Please state if you do not wish it to be licensed
under CC.

Contributing should start NOW!

If you are able to contribute in ways not mentioned above, please let us
know so that we can fit you in.

As usual, use the mailing list for communication, or the Team forum

Thank you.

Best Regards,
Muhammad Heidir

Multiply:doksg | Yahoo!:dave33bravo
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