[Ubuntu-SG] Recruiting voluntary presenter for SLMG

Brexdon brexdon at gmail.com
Thu Jun 11 13:48:14 UTC 2009

Hello all,

I am helping the organizer to recruit volunteer for the presentation on
SLMG. For members who are interested in presenting Ubuntu topic or story,
please suggest topic and you are most welcome to present during the SLMG .
If you know any of your friends have cool Ubuntu topic or story, and can
help in the presentation, please encourage them to join the presentation.

Topics that were suggested:

*	Benefits of Ubuntu to the non-technical user
*	Comparison of package management systems - .deb vs. rpm
*	Introduction to the Ubuntu Community
*	Nick - Ubuntu Member
*	wubi project
*	Ubuntu NetBook Remix
*	Personal Experience Sharing (Koh Suhaw)

Best regards,
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