[Ubuntu-SG] Ubuntu.sg site: SpammersBGone

Francis Bond fcbond at gmail.com
Wed Jun 10 04:12:15 UTC 2009


> In reviewing the user list of ubuntu.sg, I see literally hundreds of
> accounts that look like spammers. They're not actually posting anything
> much. Perhaps the CAPTCHA is suppressing most of it. Regardless, I am
> going to delete everything that looks suspicious, then I am going to
> switch user account creation to "by Admin approval".
> If you are a legitimate user and I've nuked your account, I apologize.
> Let me know and I will work with you to restore it.

How will we know if our account has been nuked?

Francis Bond <http://www2.nict.go.jp/x/x161/en/member/bond/>
NICT Language Infrastructure Group

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