[Ubuntu-SG] [Slugnet] FOSS Malaysia on 8th Nov 2008

Suhas Desai desai.suhas at gmail.com
Wed Sep 24 04:04:57 UTC 2008

Dear All,
It's nice to hear that you are organizing event in KL. Can speakers from
India contribute in this event?


On Tue, Sep 23, 2008 at 8:24 PM, Kelvin Quee <kq at kquee.com> wrote:

> Hello Slugnet, Singapore Linux Meetup Group and Ubuntu-SG,
> FOSS Malaysia is organising an event called "FOSS.my"!
> It's happening on 8th Nov 2008 (Saturday) in Kuala Lumpur.
> There will be a variety of talks and workshops.
> This event is still in planning stages but it is *definitely* happening!
> I've been talking to these guys on #myoss (irc.freenode.net) for awhile
> and I know some of them personally. It's very very exciting!
> So, if you're interested, please set aside this day. I'll be going there
> and I may be speaking on something (non-technical). Please join us!
> Even better, please contribute something. Throw some ideas or concepts at
> Han (whom I've CC-ed here). Han needs program ideas. This is the first time
> the Malaysian community is doing something like that so let's help them make
> it a success!
> Or - volunteer to speak on something about FOSS in Singapore, about our
> community and our recent fantastic SFD event.
> Find out more about FOSS.my here -
> http://foss.org.my/projects/events/foss.my/FOSS.my-event/view
> Let's have a discussion about this event on our mailing lists in Singapore.
> I think the FOSS momentum is gaining both in SG and MY. Let's make things
> happen.    :)
> --
> Kelvin Quee
> +65 9177 3635
> http://kquee.com/contact
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Thanks and Regards,
Suhas Desai
>>>Security Consultant, Tech Mahindra
>>>Contributing writer - Linux+ DVD, Linux Journal, Linux For You
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