[Ubuntu-SG] Core pages added to SFDS08 website

C David Rigby c.david.rigby at gmail.com
Thu Sep 11 06:59:06 UTC 2008

Hello Tom,

Definitely coordinate with Team Ubuntu SG.

Probably better to forward text to me or attach as a comment to the website
stub page or forum. Not only do I need to add in stuff that I'm doing (and
make sure we are all happy with what that is), but I also have evolved
towards a default style that maintains a consist look and function on the
site. On my long list of yet incomplete tasks is one to "write contributor's
manual" for the site, but I've not done it yet.


On Thu, Sep 11, 2008 at 2:20 PM, Thomas Goh <tomgohj at gmail.com> wrote:

> Btw. Do you want me to write up the text for the installfest. I will
> organize with team ubuntu
> Cheer,Tom Goh
> On Sep 10, 2008, at 8:31 AM, "C David Rigby" <c.david.rigby at gmail.com>
> wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 10, 2008 at 12:28 AM, Thomas Goh < <tomgohj at gmail.com>
> tomgohj at gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi David,
>> I did not get the attachment.
> Oops. My bad. Attached.
>> I am also planning the additional booths for some demos.  I want to talk
>> to Whay Wan?? about loaning some PCs/Laptops for some demos.
> Whay-Wang's address is <mucropteltd at gmail.com>mucropteltd at gmail.com. I
> think we have already assigned all of his available laptops to Installfest.
> I am waiting for confirmation from him of what he has available, and the
> tech specs.
> I have pretty much used up all available booths at the moment, though the
> Help Desk (booth B13) could also host demos. As well, the NTUOSS group (B8)
> might be available to watch over demos.
> Please visit the website for the latest info on booth assignments:
> <http://softwarefreedomday.sg/Exhibits/>
> http://softwarefreedomday.sg/Exhibits/
>> Please cc my work addresss as I cannot access gmail from there and my
>> iphone doesn't read the excel.  Google docs would be cool too.
> Response send to gmail and toyota-asia addresses. I did not cc others
> referenced (NTUOSS and Mucro Asia) because of the attached spreadsheet. It's
> not particularly private, and I've stripped Darrel's financial notes from
> it. But no point in clogging Whay-Wang's and Yi Wen's inboxes with things
> they do not care about.
> Best thing to do when you get a chance: post your ideas about demos to the
> website forum on Installfest. Demos seem like an installfest concern, or at
> least we can associate them for ease of reference. Also, perhaps the
> installfest volunteers will take charge of the demo machines?
> I have an idea for a demo machine or two myself. If I have time to perform
> the setup, I will use my own gear.
>> Tom
> Cheers
> <speakers-exhibitors-NoSponsorData-10Sep.ods>
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