[Ubuntu-SG] Team Meeting - Update

Muhammad Heidir Abd M dave33bravo at yahoo.com.sg
Thu Sep 11 02:48:00 UTC 2008

Hi all,

Last night's meeting is a success. We have covered most issues and is 75% ready for SFD. The number of attendees are very encouraging. Let's hope to make SFD a successful event for Team Ubuntu Singapore. We'll learn from mistakes along the way and hope to see higher level of co-peration between Team members.

I have updated the Action Item in Team Meeting spreadsheet http://spreadsheets.google.com/ccc?key=pJ6K-J8gUQDBBJCgtiPkzGQ&hl=en

Please view it and update as necessary. If you need access to the spreadsheet, please email me so that I may add you under the collaborator list.

Colour Guide:
Yellow - Item Need to be completed
Green - Completed
Magenta - Overdue items that needs to be completed



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      New Email names for you! 
Get the Email name you've always wanted on the new @ymail and @rocketmail. 
Hurry before someone else does!
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