[Ubuntu-SG] Hi all ubuntu fans

Rykel™ (Aen™) rykel98 at gmail.com
Fri Jun 13 02:03:58 UTC 2008

Or they can employ us on a exhibition-basis instead of their salesmen!  : )

I second the "The Idiot's Guide To Selling Ubuntu Laptops" idea.


Rykel™ [Aen™] [林瑞祥™]
rykel98 at gmail.com
sip:aenrykel at sip.voipdiscount.com <sip%3Aaenrykel at sip.voipdiscount.com>

US: +1.319-264-2124 (Washington)
SG: +65.82888-049 (Orchard Road)
MY: +60.13-4008-749 (Penang)
VN: +84.93-264-3369 (Ho Chi Minh)

Delicious, eBay, GoogleTalk, Gizmo5, Meebo, MSN, Skype, Twitter and Yahoo:
rykel98 | AIM: aenrykel | ICQ: 22768140

2008/6/13 Rui Boon <ruiboon at gmail.com>:

> Hash: SHA1
> John Thng wrote:
> | On Thu, Jun 12, 2008 at 11:19 PM, Rykel™ (Aen™) <rykel98 at gmail.com<mailto:
> rykel98 at gmail.com>> wrote:
> |
> |     Hi John,
> |
> |     Welcome and it all sounds great! I have used Ubuntu since Warty
> Wathog, and will be most happy to share my Linux experience with people. Let
> me know if you have some pre-existing slides which need a speaker, or help
> in any area. See you all around soon.
> |
> |
> |
> |     Regards,
> |
> |     Rykel™ [Aen™] [林瑞祥™]
> |     rykel98 at gmail.com <mailto:rykel98 at gmail.com>
> |     sip:aenrykel at sip.voipdiscount.com<sip%3Aaenrykel at sip.voipdiscount.com><mailto:
> sip%3Aaenrykel at sip.voipdiscount.com<sip%253Aaenrykel at sip.voipdiscount.com>
> >
> |     rykel.blogspot.com <http://rykel.blogspot.com>
> |     aennyone.blogspot.com <http://aennyone.blogspot.com>
> |
> |     US: +1.319-264-2124 (Washington)
> |     SG: +65.82888-049 (Orchard Road)
> |     MY: +60.13-4008-749 (Penang)
> |     VN: +84.93-264-3369 (Ho Chi Minh)
> |
> |     Delicious, eBay, GoogleTalk, Gizmo5, Meebo, MSN, Skype, Twitter and
> Yahoo: rykel98 | AIM: aenrykel | ICQ: 22768140
> |
> |
> | Okay thanks :)
> |
> | Anyway, as for the PC Show, some times it's disappointing that despite
> they market Ubuntu pre-installed laptops to be cheaper, the salesman do not
> know much to promote it.
> |
> | Regards
> | John
> Maybe we could come out with a salesman-guide to ubuntu? and distribute it
> to the companies that sell ubuntu based laptop for their salesmen (or
> distribute it straight to the salesman)? Although we may not be able to rush
> it out now, but there should be enough time for the upcoming it-show (not
> sure what is it called) in Sep or Nov/Dec 2008?
> Also, we could have a why-use-ubuntu guide for users to be distributed
> together with the laptops?
> A rough flowchart on how we may go about doing it.
> 1) Gather information on why-use-ubuntu from website like ubuntu marketing.
> 2) Compile it with some fancy graphics.
> 3) Print it.
> 4) Distribute it.
> Cheers
> Rui Boon
> Version: GnuPG v1.4.6 (GNU/Linux)
> iD8DBQFIUVcjzjrqiOSXNeMRAry2AJ9Pvhco4TK/tddJ/n6pYLB9WVX3RgCePYw2
> akTNFnlysBK69U0CPWEJ0UQ=
> =M6po
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