[Ubuntu-SG] ubuntu.sg contains spam posts

suhaw koh kohsuhaw at gmail.com
Mon Jun 2 10:50:05 UTC 2008

2008/6/2 Rui Boon <ruiboon at gmail.com>:

> Chew EK wrote:
> > >
> > Judging from the number of posts I have read here, I would say active
> > members you can count with your fingers.  But if we got something
> > interesting going, maybe they will come out of the woodwork, like I
> > did now :-).
> Sad to say but i guess that is the Singaporean's mentality,
> if-it-does-not-concern-you-leave-it-alone. Do prove me wrong. I will be
> more than happy

The key here is probably what Chew EK wrote: "... if we got something
interesting going ..."

Oftentimes, it feels a chicken-and-egg conundrum: Something interesting will
get people out of the woodwork and you need people to get out of the
woodwork in order to get something interesting.

To break out of this Catch-22, can somebody propose something interesting to
get people out of the woodwork and then we can all contribute towards the
something-interesting project ?


Koh Su Haw 许树浩
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