[Ubuntu-SG] Back!

Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint billy at ubuntu.sg
Tue Aug 19 10:12:09 UTC 2008

On Tue, 2008-08-19 at 18:00 +0800, Chew EK wrote:
> hi Billy
> Looking at the stats, there were only a few hundreds hits this month
> with about 5MB traffic.  This is really not much and I doubt was the
> reason the site was taken offline.  The hosting provider really is
> very bad if it don't allow such small amount of traffic.

*nods* *nods* *nods*

> Instead, it could be CPU load that caused the problem.  For a while, I
> did some of research because I was having problem accessing my site.
> There were a few complaints I read around the web, where cheap hosting
> provider will cut out a site without prior notice  whenever they see
> spike in the server CPU load.

Yes , probably the CPU load. I did request for the CPU load but nothing
come back.

> Ultimately, this was not the problem I faced, but it could be what
> happened to ubuntu.sg.  Unfortunately, you probably can't see the
> server CPU load, if the site is under shared hosting.
> You could try optimizing the site.  E.g. reducing size of images
> helped a lot for my site, including offloading them from the database
> (I put all my images on a static sub-domain).

But ubuntu.sg has well ... a screenshot of a desktop and if thats what
caused the server load to spike then I don't know what to say. I got no
notice or proof that Ubuntu.sg caused anything. All I got was a list of
IPs from a log file ... which will fool most people I suppose.  

> Another thing I did was install WP supercache.  It's a pain to set-up,
> but helped to reduce database accesses and php loading by creating
> cache of static pages.

That would help but I am not going to stay with a provider that doesn't
care about its customers in any case. My one year contract with them
ends next April so we got about 8 months or so. Too bad canonical has no
office here if not we can ask for sponsorship. 


> Regards
> Chew
> On Tue, Aug 19, 2008 at 5:24 PM, Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint
> <billy at ubuntu.sg> wrote:
>         Well we are back .... I doubt this will be the last time it
>         happens
>         though so we are going to have to back in case it happens
>         again .. I
>         dread going around asking answers from customer relationship
>         officers ...
>         I have attached the webstats from ubuntu.sg ... I see a lot of
>         US
>         sites , I wonder why... Anyway here are some of the
>         suggestions that I
>         got from you guys ..
>         siteground.com from Suhaw
>         http://www.surpasshosting.com/ from Kelvin
>         slicehost.com also from Kelvin <--- pretty cheap vps I must
>         say
>         Again , I would like to apologise to everyone for this. I
>         didn't expect
>         us to have this much hits or my host to be so rash and
>         inconsiderate
>         with their customer sites. I was given no warnings before
>         hand. I will
>         definitely not be renewing their contract after this year.
>         I was thinking of printing ubuntu.sg on the t-shirt for sfd
>         but now I am
>         having a second thought... :P Anyway , glad to be back..
>         regards
>         billy
>         --
>         Ubuntu-SG mailing list
>         Ubuntu-SG at lists.ubuntu.com
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> -- 
> Gmail/Googletalk: chew4097 at gmail.com
> MSN: chewek at hotmail.com

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