[Ubuntu-SG] [Fwd: [Bulk] [Singapore Ubuntu Team] Comment: "10 Reasons Why Ubuntu Linux is Better Than Microsoft Windows OS"]

Maung Myat Thu @ Billy Aung Myint billy at ubuntu.sg
Mon Aug 18 02:16:04 UTC 2008

Never give attention to trolls ... Anway you should be glad someone is
reading yours :P On the other hands , mine never get any trolls...
damn ..


On Sun, 2008-08-17 at 22:10 +0800, Muhammad Heidir wrote:
> Hi Guys,
> I thought we agreed on the last meeting to fill up the word press with
> more content. Well, I've got a comment on my recent post and it seems
> that somebody or someone wants to start a flame war which I don't even
> bother to reply to.
> Clearly  in my post, I stated that the list is not comprehensive and
> reflects my own opinion.
> Should I just ignore the comment, delete it or respond to it? Can I
> just let you guys furnish him with more information.
> Below is the comment posted on http://ubuntu.sg. 
> New comment on your post #59 "10 Reasons Why Ubuntu Linux is Better Than Microsoft Windows OS"
> Author : bjb_nyj101 (IP: , adsl-69-108-137-177.dsl.irvnca.pacbell.net)
> E-mail : bjb.butler at gmail.com
> URI    : 
> Whois  : http://ws.arin.net/cgi-bin/whois.pl?queryinput=
> Comment: 
> Ok
> 2. " Ubuntu Linux can be installed on low-end systems"
> As can microsoft windows. Windows can run on very limited hardware, such as tablet pc's, and UMPC's like the Asus EEE PC.
> 3. " 3. Ubuntu Linux does not hog RAM and virtual memory"
> That is in your personal experience. Last month, I was using Virtual Box on 8.04 LTS and the VM literally took control of all of my ram. The ram usage monitor in my toolbar said 100%. I couldnt do anything. I hard to do a Hard Reset.
> 4. "4. Ubuntu Linux can be customised to look like Mac OSX Leopard or Aero Vista"
> Ok you're glad that your OS doesn't look nice on its own so you have to go COPY another operating systems looks? Wow.
> 6. " Ubuntu Linux supports many Multimedia formats"
> Windows supports all of those formats, as well. Linux doesn't support silverlight properly. Newsflash...The OLYMPICS can be viewed online, in SILVERLIGHT. I don't see how this makes ubuntu better.
> 7. " Ipod can be synchronized using Ubuntu Linux"
> Yeah, but neither GTKPod, Amarok, or Rhythmbox supports video podcast syncing, which is a big deal. Thats why there's iTunes. How does this make ubuntu better?
> You can see all comments on this post here: 
> http://ubuntu.sg/?p=59#comments
> To flag this comment as spam, visit: http://ubuntu.sg/wp-admin/edit.php?page=spamkarma2&recover_selection=1&comment_grp_check[178]=178&sk2_section=approved
> To delete this comment (without flagging it as spam), visit: http://ubuntu.sg/wp-admin/post.php?action=confirmdeletecomment&p=59&comment=178

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